What should I know about the HOME screen


SIDE MENU BUTTON - The SYMBOL on the upper Left Side of the Top Navigation Bar:

  • The Side Menu Button is located at the top left hand side of the HOME screen. It is a symbol on the left that looks like a circle with 3 lines in it. Tapping on that symbol allows you to open the Side View Menu on the left hand side of the screen.
  • If the Side Menu Button has a yellow boxed number next to it, this means you have received a communication or notification. It might be a Notification of an Event, a response message from the Community Management, or an invoice that is currently due.
  • If there is a number (or numbers) next to the Side Menu Button, tap on that button to open up the left side view menu list, and then tap on the function with the yellow boxed number. Each number represents a response in that particular category.


ADD NEW FEED POST BUTTON - The PLUS SIGN on the Right Side of the Top Navigation Bar:

  • If you click on the Plus Sign on the Right Side of the top bar, this allows you to post a message to the Main Public News Feed (COMMUNITY FEED) that appears on the HOME SCREEN, when members of your community open the myHOATM
  • These are PUBLIC messages that everyone using the myHOA® app can see when they log in. (NOTE: Please only post messages and images that are appropriate for ALL homeowners to see. Inappropriate content may be flagged for removal by other homeowners or your Community Manager(s), and your homeowner account may be subjected to suspension or deletion.)
  • If you TAP on the Plus Sign, then choose NOT to post a message, you can TAP on the Back Button (< icon) on the top left side of the screen to navigate back to the HOME screen.



  • The name of your Community is shown just below the HOME title. 



  • Below the Community Name are four quick-tap buttons. These are quick links to sections of the app; Directory, Contact, Classifieds and Events.
  • TAP on the button of your choice to immediately navigate to that particular app category.



  • The Main Public News Feed that appears under the Quick-Tap Functions. The Community Feed are non-emergency messages that have been posted by your community homeowner members.
  • Again, other homeowners and the Community Manager monitor these messages, and have the ability to flag and delete inappropriate content at any time.


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